music Release on spotify

It is a big thing, getting your music on Spotify! It doesn’t of course make you rich tomorrow, but it’s a kind of quality approval – I did something right!

”What?” you might think! Xristine is a Think-Tank, a woman who has completely destroyed corrupt softwares and proven fake to be fake, and awesome to be awesome. The lady who doesn’t care what other’s might think and always speaks her mind. Why would I care so much if I get approved on Spotify or not?

Well, because my paintings, my books, my music, my apps are all me! Everyone can become a copycat and follow the footprints of success! Look at the music market, look at the movie industry. Everyone wants to tell the next success story and the best way of getting there is to copy concepts.

Creating my own concept, my own music – not riding on the backs of other’s, that’s a whole other tale. I’m not only not mass producing the same tunes as so many other’s, I’m making small mini-me’s that run around the world like headless chicken’s with my label on.

They’re all stories! Even the software I build has a story or it wouldn’t have been built!

From a pretty harsh kick in the butt by Amuse, I now got my 3,000 ton train rolling! – So yes! It is definetly a big thing getting my music online! Maybe it’s not good enough or it is, either way, I’m the one who’ll be judged.
